Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Things Lately

Life's gotten the better of me lately...here are several good things from the past few weeks.

My gray jammies from Gap. I got these my freshman year of college, believe it or not. They are super soft, and they still fit 8 years later...but they were big when I bought them so I guess it doesn't really matter.

I love sunsets. They make my soul take a deep breath and sigh, and remember there is a great big world out there for me to be a part of.

I accidentally took this picture but now I think it looks kinda cool. BUSTH, represent!
On the shores of SoCal's beaches you'll find native kelp species...

Moonlight Beach in Encinitas.
Early morning on our mantle.
Pretty dahlias - I love the bright color!
Our fresh herb babies. They make cooking so much better.
A pretty sunflower I brought home from the farmers' market.
My basil plant. So much love.
A flower on our new pomegranate tree! I hope it turns into an actual pomegranate someday.
Umm...yes. That is all :)
Oh helloooo pita bread stuffed with turkey, cukes, tomatoes, feta cheese and red pepper hummus. You may now get into my belly :)
They all put things in perspective. Life is good and I am blessed more than I know.


  1. Oh wow, are you that close to the beach? So pretty!

  2. Yeah, we can drive there in about 20 minutes. It's sweet :)


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